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Understanding National Heavy Vehicle Law including Chain of Responsibility

National Heavy Vehicle Law (NHVL), including the concepts of Chain of Responsibility (COR), for team leaders, managers and Officers.

Gain a clear, concise understanding about the requirements for National Heavy Vehicle law, including the concepts of Chain of Responsibility (COR).

Every person in the transport chain needs to be aware of their obligations to ensure the organisation, its managers and its officers are not exposed to prosecution should an incident occur.

This session discusses the essential requirements, key elements of the law, and sets you on the path to ensuring you and your organisation stand among the leaders in road transport.

The session can be used as a company induction for new team members, team leaders and managers. If you are doing so, please let us know and we will provide a Certificate of Attendance.

For inhouse or group training we recommend a minimum of 10 people. If you prefer this approach contact Proven Safety Solutions to discuss our rates.

Up and Coming Events

Oct 22

Effective Safety Plans for Business Units

Effective Safety Plans for Business Units

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