
Register for one of our safety, risk or governance sessions today. Early Bird Discounts Apply!

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How to be an effective Management System Sponsor for Executives

Lead with confidence by understanding what you must do and what you can delegate. Engage as the Champion of Quality, Safety and Environment.

Do you oversee the team that manages Quality (ISO9001), Safety (ISO45001) and Environment (ISO14001)?

As a member of Top Management you may be unsure of what the standard requires from you and this may be impacting on the leadership you are providing for others.

This short online session brings people in your role together to discuss and work through the key areas where you can add the most value so your team brings out the best in others.

Improve your impact in the system so you are recognised as a Champion!

This dynamic session covers the following key areas:

  1. The high level structure of the new management standards;
  2. The relationship being the key elements of a management standard or integrated management standards;
  3. The role of top management in ensuring effective leadership and performance; and
  4. The governance requirements that ensures your obligations are met and your system is sustainable.

This session supports senior people who lead technical practitioners, and will provide the key terms and definitions to enable you to be a more effective communicator with your team.

Up and Coming Events

Oct 22

Effective Safety Plans for Business Units

Effective Safety Plans for Business Units

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